NEMECSEK Programme - Hintalovon Child Rights Foundation

Childhood is unique and unrepeatable.

We need to keep it safe.

About the NEMECSEK Programme

The story of the Hungarian novel Pál Street Boys, Grund and Ernő Nemecsek means a lot to everyone. Not only in Hungary, but in many countries of the world. It’s about unity, listening to each other and acceptance as much as it is about the importance of support. All this in capital letters, as the name of NEMECSEK should always have been written. These values are also very important in our programme, because when we develop child safeguarding policy for an organisation, we help to create a community, where everyone is safe, well and can do their best.

Our programme helps communities working with children (e.g. schools, nurseries, sports clubs, summer camps) to find out what concrete steps they can take to operate safely and ultimately create their own child safeguarding policy. What you should know about child safeguarding policy:

  • It summarises the principles and rules that help everyone – children and adults alike – feel safe in the community.
  • It strengthens shared knowledge about children’s rights, boundary violations against children, and bullying.
  • It provides a transparent and clear framework for preventing, dealing with and following up on incidents of abuse and bullying, and makes the handling of cases transparent. This will make it clear to everyone who to turn to for advice in difficult situations, who to ask for help, how to report the situation and what will happen if a report is made.
  • It brings community members closer together, improves the organisational “climate”, increases trust between members and strengthens communication.

If you need support developing your own child safeguarding policy, we are here to help!

Transparency and prevention

Whether we are talking about peer or adult-child abuse, it is important that everyone knows who to turn to for help. The organisation needs to have a transparent framework and clear rules in place to prevent, deal with and follow up abuse.

Why it is useful for everyone within the organisation to have a child safeguarding policy?

We are proud of working with them

We are working with a wide range of organisations. In recent years we have helped over 40 institutions to make their operations safer. Our partners include schools, nurseries, foundations, municipalities, sports clubs and cultural institutions.

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Trainings, lectures, workshops

There are many important issues to address when it comes to child safety, such as:

  • abuse (prevention, recognition, treatment),
  • community child protection,
  • the institutional signalling system, signalling,
  • boundaries of competence, responsibilities,
  • online safety, digital parenting.

If you are eager to hear more about these topics in an interactive workshop, a half-day training or a lecture, do not hesitate to reach for us!